Sunday, May 17, 2009

RSYC Platu Series 17th May 2009

Again This week, the wind was blowing from the north west, around 12- 15knots.
This week, Sing yew skippered, we have pik yi, Simon, Hui Min and Hui Mei onboard,

There were three races, first race was rather straight forward, we didn't have the best of starts,but anyway with a few wind shifts we were second, Tom took the race and we finish second.

Second race, It was a tight one, with us not certain that if we were over the line at the start but nonetheless we went back, started last. And of course we play our usual wind shifts, and got our self back in. The wind was shifting more to the north today, therefore the right side of the course was definitely the good side. We were second leaving the wind ward mark, on the second leg to the leeward mark, we were dumb folded again, it was not a finishing, it isn't the first time we mistook the flags for our platu races. A Windward leeward flag with a numeral pennant 2 doesn't means, 2 rounds. In our club Platu races it means 1 + 2. So we screwed up here. we retired from race 2.

In race 3, it was a race back to the club; having not won a single race today, we were determined to win it. It was a spinnaker start, therefore i needed to play my part right if we were to win this race, In the last 3 minutes of the starting sequences, yew called for a switch he wants a port hoist instead. Well i did it for him. and we manage to start off the line, sailing nicely away from the rest who were on startboard hoist. They were sailing towards the right side of the course . Where the current were stronger, but the right does look good in terms where we did spot a few puff and gust over there, so as usual, we spent some time trying to convince ourselves that we are on the correct side,which is left; and finally we decided to hold our course. We were right. We took the last race.


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