Crew Organization for Spinnaker Hoists, Jibes, and Douses
Wed, 7th Jan 2009
By Ullmans Sails
Read it here
I think this a very useful article from them, do visit their websites; Its along article which I am very tempted to break them into smaller post, Going to be very useful if we are to train up new crews. What is missing in from article is gybing an asymmetrical spinnaker with a dip pole setting.
Anyway, I particularly likes this point
Pit Person:
- Ease the pole down to the bow, quickly and smoothly, using the topping lift/uphaul. DO NOT hit the bow person in the head! This might make them very upset and cause dissention.
It doesn't hurt when the adrenalin is pumping, the jibe need to be hoist ,spinnaker to be drop; but you will feel it during the upwind.